"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5b

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Praising the Lord

The Lord has been good over the last several years. I am praising Him for the improvement that I have seen over the last several months. My migraines are becoming less frequent (only about 1 a week). I am also thankful that most days my heart rate is almost normal, at least for me. I was also able to stop one of my medications completely. Praise the LORD. I was on this for decreased blood pressure and due to the exercise I have been able to maintain a steady blood pressure. I am still on something for my heart rate, but for right now I am not going to mess with a good thing. I have a potential job and look forward to returning to the work force. I have really enjoyed getting to spend time with my nieces and nephews. They are such a joy and a true blessing. I am continuing to teach Children's Church and that is really a wonderful opportunity. The kids often teach me more than I teach them :) In April, I will be teaching the Ladies Bible Study due to our pastor's wife surgery. I am looking forward to this opportunity and how the Lord will work in my life through this.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah! So great to run across your blog! :D What a blessing! Praying that you're having a wonderful day! Praise God that you are feeling better (as it looks from a few of the posts I've scanned). I am so sorry you go through the pain of POTS and migraines everyday. But, I know that your Scripture of "joy comes in the morning" is so true in that Christ gives us His sufficient grace and strength for each day--day by day. As for myself, I'm chronically ill and have almost died twice with this sickness... the doctors don't know what it is, BUT God is so good through all this. And, I hope to encourage you today to keep the faith and keep doing what you're doing--looking to Him in the hard times and even the good times because we're desperate for Him either way!

    God bless,
    Taylor J. Beisler
    Isaiah 40:26-31
